2014年7月18日 星期五

[PO.Purchase Order.ISSUE] APP-PO-14694: This doucment is not updateable.

User trying to update or change PO's status show as below:

APP-PO-14694: This doucment is not updateable.

Cause: You have tried to update a document that is currently not updateable.

Action: No action required.


1. Controls >> Hold the PO
2. Save and again use tools >> Controls >> to release the hold
3. Again search the PO and now try to update.

(Step 1)

(Step 2)

(Step 3)

測試可做 Update。

之後 User 反應仍無法修改或Cancel,Show Message as below:
Please undo the changes to the document in the current revision before taking the cancel action.

1. Approve this PO then can control it.

Issue: APP-PO-14694: This doucment is not updateable.
Hi All,
One of my user is trying to update the quantity of PO and getting error ""APP-PO-14694: This Purchase Order is not updateable." He mentioned that he is able to change quantity for other POs but this PO get stuck somehow.
Status of PO is Approved, Reserved. Any one encountered this error before and any suggestion for fix. I aleady gone through metalink but no solution discuessed there.

Thanks in advance for reply.

As you have not mentioned your EBS version so may be members will not be able to give proper replies but just give a try,

1 - Search the PO
2 - From the tools > controls menu Hold the PO
3 - Save and again use tools > controls to release the hold
4 - Again search the PO and now try to update.


Hello Admin,
Thanks for reply. We are on We don't have option of Tools > Control. Option available under Tools are Preferences,Check funds,Acceptance,Copy document,unreserve and Cancel.
Let me know what else we can do.

Purchasing: Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Summary (The Header Radio should be checked). Click the PO and now goto Tools menu. Thanks


Excellent!!!! That worked. Thanks for you help admin...


check the notification summary for the last user in approval, and tell the last user to reject this po, after that this PO is comming for next user .. modify the qty and update the PO and go to approval again, if you dont want to complete the prcoess for PO cancel this PO.

Issue: Please undo the changes to the document in the current revision before taking the cancel action.
(1) https://community.oracle.com/thread/2184941?tstart=0
(2) http://oraclzfreesupport.blogspot.tw/2013/12/unable-to-cancel-purchase-orders-due-to.html
(3) http://geparts.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/245/~/unable-to-cancel-po-(purchase-order)-lines


